Museo Nazionale Romano reopens its four locations with a special protocol to guarantee a visit in the safest conditions!

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Opening Hours

Palazzo Massimo – Palazzo Altemps – Terme di Diocleziano
Tuesday- Friday, from 2.00 pm to 7.45 pm (last entrance at 7.00 pm)

Palazzo Massimo – Palazzo Altemps
Terme di Diocleziano – Crypta Balbi

Saturday and Sunday, from 10.30 am to 7.45 pm (last entrance at 7.00 pm)


Tickets can be purchased online on the site or through the call center 0639967701.

For any information, please write to

buy tickets


Booking is mandatory. The entrance is scheduled every 15 minutes and allows access to 14 people at a time.

CARD 2020 owners must reserve access to the Museum online or through the call center 0639967701
(the validity of the Card 2020 is extended until March 31, 2021).

Group visits

Group visits, with or without guide, are allowed up to a maximum of 14 participants, including the guide.


The ticket cost is 10.00 euros and it includes also the visit to the exhibition de Pisis.

The ticket is valid for 7 days from the purchase and will allow access to all the museums.

Palazzo Altemps

da Piazza S. Apollinare, 46

The cloakroom and lockers service is suspended. The visitors may bring only small size bags.

Download the visit map

Palazzo Massimo

Largo di Villa Peretti, 1

The cloakroom and lockers service is suspended. The visitors may bring only small size bags.

The restoration service is suspended.

Download the visit map

Baths of Diocletian

Via Enrico de Nicola, 78

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Crypta Balbi

Via delle Botteghe Oscure, 31

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Aperture serali al Museo Nazionale Romano


Dal 3 settembre

Tornano le suggestive serate al Museo Nazionale Romano!
Dal 3 settembre le sedi di Terme di Diocleziano, Palazzo Massimo​ e Palazzo Altemps saranno aperte fino alle 22.30 (ultimo ingresso 21.45) con un biglietto speciale, dal costo di 5 euro, in queste serate:
Terme di Diocleziano e Palazzo Massimo: giovedì 3, 10, 17 settembre
Palazzo Altemps: venerdì 4, 11, 18 sabato 5, 12, 19​ settembre

Il biglietto è valido per una sola serata e comprende:

  • visita serale a Palazzo Altemps e alla mostra “de Pisis”
  • visita serale di entrambe le sedi di Palazzo Massimo e Terme di Diocleziano

Scarica la locandina

Per informazioni e prenotazioni:

Per acquistare i biglietti:​

Palazzo Altemps

Wednesday, June 17, Palazzo Altemps reopens with an exhibition dedicated to the artist Filippo de Pisis, the undisputed protagonist of Italian painting between the two World Wars.

Palazzo Massimo

The extraordinary bronze statues of Palazzo Massimo, the Boxer and the Hellenistic Prince, return to their glory after a conservative intervention, supported by the non-profit association Mecenati della Galleria Borghese – Roman Heritage onlus. During the renovation works important innovations on the ancient construction technique of the bronzes have been revealed.

New opening hours for the Baths of Diocletian

From 4th August 2020 the Baths of Diocletian will be open on weekdays with the following schedule:

Tuesday- Friday from 2.00 pm to 7.45 pm (last entrance at 7.00 pm)
Saturday and Sunday from 10.30 am to 7.45 pm (last entrance at 7.00 pm)

​The visiting path and the tickets purchasing method remain unchanged.

We are working on the new website of Museo Nazionale Romano,
we'll be online soon.