Educational activities

Il Museo due punto zero

Terme di Diocleziano
Scuola secondaria di II grado
Percorsi per le competenze trasversali e l’orientamento

Agli studenti vengono proposte attività di promozione e valorizzazione museale attraverso l’uso del web e dei social media.

I ragazzi dovranno avere la capacità di raccontare con le immagini e di comunicare in poche parole.

Dando spazio alla loro creatività, si cimenteranno nella progettazione di percorsi virtuali e di campagne di comunicazione.

Important notice

All of the educational activities organised by entities other than the National Roman Museum must be notified and agreed in advance with the Educational Service in writing with appropriate advance notice:

In partnership with Coopculture

The National Roman Museum’s Educational Service undertakes numerous activities in cooperation with Coopculture. The programmes proposed by Coopculture, developed specifically for each of the Museum’s four sites, are aimed at the various groups that use the Museum, providing a varied range of services including guided visits, workshops for adults and families, summer camps and specific activities for schools.

Learn more


The Educational Service of the National Roman Museum guarantees visitors with special needs the opportunity to visit the Museum at its best.